Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The big 5 - 0 {Brisbane Event Photographer}

I am a little (a lot!) behind in blogging at the moment - for a good reason - I'm flat out! So in the mad chaotic world that is mine at the moment I have finally found some time to sit down and blog the event below. 

Just over a month ago now I captured George's (Georgio to his friends) 50th Birthday Party. In a lovely home surrounded by friends and family, George celebrated and reminisced over the past years. It's so nice to see a group of friends who have gone through school together still joking around like it was yesterday. It was wonderful to meet you all and I trust you had a fabulous night!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Little girls have a magic all to their own {Brisbane Child Photographer}

As a mother of two boys, little girls are a novelty for me. I've grown used to the rough and tumble of boys, the ingrained interest in jumping off things, karate fighting moves and air guitar sessions......Girls on the other hand are still just as energetic but they have an ingrained love of clothes, hair accessories, lip gloss and just looking too darn cute! 

I photographed Amelia (her parents affectionately call her Amie) the day before her 5th Birthday. Amelia's parents have had her photographed every year for her birthday and the images are becoming a wonderful collage on their wall along with a daily reminder of how quickly children grow, change and develop their own unique personalities. 

That's what I have always loved about photographs, they capture that moment in time forever and are a constant reminder of how quickly life and the years can zoom past.

When was the last time you updated your family portraits? If you are overdue (or simply just due) please contact me at for pricing and availability.